
Showing posts from February, 2022

SEO important for YouTube and Higher ranking YouTube SEO tips ?

What is YouTube SEO? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the ever-changing practice of designing web content to rank highly in search engine results pages (SERPs). YouTube SEO   Is SEO important for YouTube? SEO gives the opportunity to reach wider audiences and grow organically in both Google and YouTube, increasing video engagement metrics. Keep your focus on the overall search experience and serve video content according to SEO best practices. How do I SEO my YouTube channel?  Higher ranking with these YouTube SEO tips 1.  Choose your keywords wisely. 2.   Include keywords in the title of the video. 3.   Include keywords in the video file. 4.   Optimize your description. 5.   Use video hashtags. 6.   Select a video category. 7.   Use eye-catching thumbnails. 8.   Add subtitles and closed captions. 9.   What is YouTube SEO ranking? 10.  YouTube SEO is the pro...

What is stock market and Types of Stocks to Invest ?

  What is stock market? Stock markets are venues where buyers and sellers meet to exchange equity shares of public corporations. Stock markets are vital components of a free-market economy because they enable democratized access to trading and exchange of capital for investors of all kinds.   Share market  Types of Stocks to Invest:- Common stock Preferred stock Large-cap stocks Mid-cap stocks Small-cap stocks Domestic stock International stocks Growth stocks Value stocks IPO stocks Dividend stocks Non-dividend stocks Income stocks Common stock and preferred stock Most stock that people invest in is common stock. Common stock represents partial ownership in a company, with shareholders getting the right to receive a proportional share of the value of any remaining assets if the company gets dissolved. Common stock gives shareholders theoretically unlimited upside potential, but they also risk losing everything if the company fails witho...